Landing Developer Group

About us

We are real estate business developers. Our main focus is to find business opportunities in the United States.

The conjuncture that summons us is the exponential growth of South Florida.

At LDG we concentrate on transforming the indicators of property titles for affordable housing construction.

Our work

Buy land

We choose land on Opportunity Zones in order to improve its use and indicators.

Enhance titles

We upgrade population density indicators and usage indicators. We approve the projects beforehand, so buyers can start building right away.

Rise selling value

We buy land at a certain value, we make the property titles eligible for affordable housing programs and then we sell them at a higher price.

Why we do it

Florida is going through a huge housing deficit. More and more people move from New York and California to Florida every year, so it is one of the fastest growing states in the country. The main reasons are:

  • - Lower taxes
  • - Benefits of home-office
  • - Good weather
  • - Efficient handling of the Covid 19 crisis
  • - Encouraging and accessible government policies
  • - Housing deficit

The housing crisis mainly affects the low-income population.In order to solve this, he government offers programs that encourage affordable housing investments.

Window of opportunity

Given this context, we found a big business opportunity for our investors.


The major real estate value is added when the usage and density indicators of the property title are changed.


The highest profit is provided by housing units for low-income populations. This is due to the benefits that the federal government grants to city governments, with the aim of encouraging affordable housing constructions.


LDG counts with a cross-functional team that comes together to enhance the professional experience of each of its partners . Our members count with a broad experience in planning and zonification in the city of Miami.

Diego Zorzi

He graduated in Finances and Business Management from the University of West Florida. Diego has over 15 years of experience working in management-consulting and building. He has worked on projects in the United States, Caribbean and Central America, with a lot of experience in electrics, LED lighting and solar energy systems.

Juan Cruz Talia

He graduated in International Trade, from the Argentine University of Business. He developed his professional career as investment management-consultant in real estate and finance markets in the United States. He is founder member and CEO of Urban Developments & Investments, and founder and vice president of Capital Force.

Tomás Talia

He develops real estate and financial businesses in Argentina and the United States, and counts on 15 years of experience in management positions. He carries ahead leadership tasks, structuring and commercialization of projects. He studied Finances at Austral University's Business School, and Futures and Options at the Central Bank of Argentina. He is one of the founder members of LDG and executive director of Cia Brokers Talia SA.

Natalie Duran

Natalie Duran is an experienced development and construction professional who, by virtue of her practice, has specialized in the South Florida region’s energetic property and land development ecosystem.
Ms. Duran obtained the prestigious master’s degree in Real Estate and Development from the University of Miami School of Architecture with top honors, winning various awards. Her experience is broad, starting in marketing and subsequently ranging from notable successes in real estate agency, substantive experience in complex and intricate entitlement processes at the municipal and regional levels as well as successful procurement of various grants and subsidies from local, state, and federal agencies.
Ms. Duran is recognized as an expert in the development of attainable housing, a market segment in which her experience is unrivalled, and which garnered her the coveted appointment by the City Commission to Miami’s Zoning ordinance (Miami 21) Task Force, an advisory council promoting best development practices and leading the way toward regulatory reform and improvements in Miami.
Additionally, Ms. Duran has had substantive experience in the management and operation of residential properties including affordable housing sites affiliated with benchmark programs such as the Office of Veterans’ Affairs; Section 8, County Housing subsidies and Camillus House. Her knowledge of the industry and local practices along with her experience and well-established reputation and network are a notable asset to the group’s strength and market positioning.
Natalie Duran has been consulting with the City Of Miami‘s planning and zoning department since 2017. She has been a liaison between the City Of Miami and other private developers concentrating with their affordable housing program. She has also been elected as one of 10 task force members to help revise the City Of Miami‘s zoning code.


This is our selection of articles that reflect the exponential growth of Florida.